Mercer County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society

The History of Mercer County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society:
It was in 1979 when a group of women with a passion for family history, saw the need to organize a genealogy society. There were several hurdles to overcome but Florence Gause, Carolyn Brandon, Faye Miller, and Joyce Yaney were not ladies to give up easily. To receive a charter they needed 30 members. By January of 1980, Florence had 12 people willing to join the group. More followed, but they still feared the number of members with paid-up dues would fall short. So Carolyn talked her husband, Dale, into joining. Faye not only drafted her husband Darrell, but also her two daughters. The next problem to conquer was finding the officers for the new organization. Florence volunteered to be president, Carolyn agreed to be vice president, Joyce accepted the office of treasurer, Jane Suzuki was named recording secretary and Sue Miller took corresponding secretary. May 6, 1980, was a monumental day for the group. Florence Gause, Vivian Dahlke, and Elodee Marbaugh traveled to Columbus to receive the charter for the Mercer County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society with 42 members. Submitted by Sue Miller, Charter Member.

Pictured receiving the charter are Carolyn Brandon, Vivan Dalke, Margaret Travis, Florence Gause, and Eladore Marbaugh